Prof. LU Lei Won the 2021 TMS Brimacombe Medal Award

On Feb. 17th, 2021, Prof.LU Lei from Materials Kinetics Division of Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science (SYNL), was award as the 2021Brimacombe Medalist bythe Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS).

Prof. Lu received this honor for her significant contribution in metallic materials science, from discovery of high strength high conductivity nanotwinned metals to breakthrough in understanding history-independent cyclic response.)

The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) is a professional association that connects minerals, metals, and materials scientists and engineers who work in industry, academia, and government positions around the world. TheBrimacombe Medalist, as a mid-career award, recognizes individuals with sustained excellence and achievement in business, technology, education, public policy, or science related to materials science and engineering and with a record of continuing service to the profession.